
Freddie – cake smash

Freddie smashing a cake for his first birthday celebrations in Cumbria. Including confetti and bubble bath too!

Its always great to see babies again after their newborn portraits and celebrate their first birthday and what better way to celebrate than with cake!

Freddie arrived at the studio raring to go, we had lots of fun first with balloons and blocks and playing peekaboo and wind the bobbin up, he has the most adorable smile!

After having some fun first we then presented him with a fab cake (provided by Delicious Doughnuts and delights). Freddie was gentle with the cake at first, prodding the cream but soon with the addition of a spoon he decided to use this to help him smash the cake, even putting his feet in it!

When he had enough of the cake we cleaned up and popped him in a bath where we had fun blowing bubbles!

I do love a cake smash, its such a fun way to celebrate your first birthday!

Contact me to book in a session for your little one!

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