Adorable little Niamh was very good for her newborn photographs – after a few nice feeds first!

I love doing portraits at home with you and your baby, I find that you will feel much more comfortable and have everything you need for baby at hand – you don’t even need to change out of your pajamas if you like?

Its also so lovely to get photos of you both in baby’s nursery – I know how many people spend so long decorating the nursery preapring for baby to arrive and why not get some cute photographs of your baby inside the cot.

For baby Niamh we managed to use a few personal props like disney toys and little signs. Of course I always have to hand my collection of cute hats and fluffy blankets which are adorable to use for baby photos.

Contact me if you would like to book in a portrait session for your baby – it doesn’t matter if they are two weeks old or two months – these photos will provide some lovely memories to treasure! xx